
What are the different types of Derivatives?


A derivative is a contract in which the value is determined based on the underlying asset. Hedgers and speculators make extensive use of these contracts to take advantage of market volatility. The buyer of the contract agrees to purchase the asset at a certain price on a certain date. Similarly, the seller also enters into one such contract. Different types of derivatives include futures and options, futures and swaps. This article discusses in detail what derivatives are, how they work, the types and different subjects of the derivatives market.

What are derivatives?

Derivatives are financial products that derive their value from something else. The value of derivatives is tied to the value of the underlying asset. Simply put, reduce your bet on a blackjack combination to the underlying and think of someone else betting on your blackjack success as a derivative of the underlying.

How does the derivatives market work?

Trading in the derivatives market is pretty much the same as trading in the cash sector of the stock market. Trading derivatives requires a trading account.

The derivatives market is traded through exchanges and the over-the-counter market.

Derivatives traded on an exchange include: Contracts negotiated through intermediaries are exchange-traded derivatives. Futures and options are exchange-traded derivative contracts. When you buy stock options, you will be buying options instead of securities.
OTC derivatives: A contract that arises directly between two parties above the derivatives trading agreement. Forwards and swaps are executed through counter contracts. Thus, these contracts are tailored to the requirements of both parties to the agreement.

Moreover, derivatives contracts are not without risk. They carry an inherent risk of market volatility. Therefore, trading in the derivatives market without proper hedging is risky.

Types of derivatives include:

An option agreement is an agreement in which the buyer acquires the right to trade the underlying asset for a predetermined period of time. The price determined by both parties is called the strike price, and the writer of the option is called the writer of the option. However, the buyer is not required to use any option to trade the underlying assets. If you do not want to exercise the option contract, you can pay the option writer for the rights and skip the event immediately.

It’s a gift.
A futures contract is a standardized legal contract between the buyer and seller of an underlying asset. A futures contract agrees on a predetermined quantity and price payable at a certain future date. Unlike options, the parties to a futures contract must legally execute the contract. This agreement remains legally enforceable until the expiration of the agreement. Derivatives and types of derivatives can be traded through the OTC market or exchanges, but futures are standardized and always traded through exchanges, so there is no credit risk.

Futures contracts are similar to futures in that they are required to execute the contract. However, unlike futures, futures are traded over-the-counter rather than on an exchange. Forwards also provide contracting parties with the ability to customize the contract to meet their requirements.

Swap derivatives are included in over-the-counter (OTC) contracts. This allows parties to exchange their financial obligations, of which interest rate swaps are the most common. The cash flow of this contract is based on interest rates, and one cash flow is usually fixed, but the other may fluctuate depending on the underlying interest rate.

Advantages of Derivatives.

Naturally, derivatives have a significant impact on modern finance because they offer many advantages to the financial market.

Avoid risk exposure.
Because the value of derivatives is tied to the value of the underlying asset, the contracts are primarily used for hedging purposes. For example, an investor may purchase a derivative contract whose value moves in the opposite direction to the value of the asset he or she owns. Thus, the profit from the derivative contract can compensate for the loss of the underlying assets.

Pricing of Underlying Assets.
Derivatives are often used to price the underlying assets. For example, the spot price of a gift can be used as an approximate price of a commodity.

Market efficiency.
Derivatives are designed to improve financial market efficiency. Derivative contracts allow you to replicate the return on an asset. Thus, the prices of the underlying assets and related derivatives are generally balanced to avoid arbitrage opportunities.

Gain access to assets or markets that are not available.
Derivatives give organizations access to assets or markets that are not available. Using interest rate swaps, companies can get a better interest rate than the interest rate they can get from direct borrowing.


Derivatives are difficult to value because they are based on the price of other assets. The risks of OTC derivatives include trading partner risks, which are difficult to predict or value. Most derivatives are also sensitive to:

The time to expiration has changed.
The cost of holding the underlying asset.
Interest rate.
These variables make it difficult to fully compare the value of a derivative with the underlying asset.

Because derivatives have no intrinsic value (their value depends only on the underlying asset), they are vulnerable to market sentiment and market risk. Regardless of the price of the underlying asset, supply factors can increase or decrease the price and liquidity of derivatives.

Finally, derivatives are typically leveraged products, and leverage can reduce both. It can increase returns, but it increases losses faster.

How do I trade the derivatives markets?

Before you trade, you need to understand the functions of the derivatives market. The strategy applied to derivatives is completely different from that of the stock market.
In derivatives markets, you must deposit a sum of margin before you can begin to trade. You will not be able to withdraw the margin amount until the transaction is completed. In addition, you must add to that amount when it has fallen below the minimum level.
You must have an active trading account that allows you to trade derivatives. If you use a broker, you can order online or over the phone.
When choosing a stock, you should consider factors such as available cash, margin requirements, contract prices and the price of the underlying stock. Make sure everything fits your budget.
You can keep your investment until maturity to close the deal. In this case, you pay the full unpaid amount or make a counter sale.

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Written by realthienkhoi

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